
La bibliothèque

Matplotlib est une bibliothèque de tracé deux dimensions pour python.
D’une très grande richesse, elle propose en autres :
 tous les types classiques de tracé : courbes, histogrammes, diagrammes à barres, nuages de points, etc.
 un mode à la Matlab® avec pylab (utilisé dans l’exemple ci-dessous)
 une intégration facile avec des applications web et six bibliothèques d’interface graphique (Qt, gtk, etc.)
 export des figures en de nombreux formats, dont le SVG.

La documentation

La documentation de Matplotlib est excellente, surtout grâce à la galerie d’exemples illustrés : Matplotlib — Thumbnail gallery

Autres sources d’exemples et d’astuces :
 Cookbook/Matplotlib -
 Plotting data using Matplotlib : Part 2

Un exemple

Comme exemple, je vous propose de tracer les courbes de croissance standards de l’OMS disponible au lien suivant : WHO

Sans être une référence, il y a surement mille façons de faire cela, ce script concentre de nombreuses astuces glanées au fil du temps, comme :
 sélection des couleurs dans un color map
 lecture directe des fichiers CSV
 axes partagés
 min max des axes imposés
 masquage des repères d’axe

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
Drawing Standard Child Grow curve with Matplotlib
More info :
import pylab

def getColor(name, n):
    # Usage name is one of the cm (colormaps) names
    # cl = getColor('jet', 4)
    # then call cl(i) with i between 1 and n
    # A list of cm is available here:
    # examples/pylab_examples/show_colormaps.html
    import as cm
    return cm.get_cmap(name, lut=n+2)

# Define text box appearance
percent_box = dict(boxstyle="round",

# Load data

# Load boys data
boys_bfa = pylab.csv2rec('bfa_boys_p_exp.txt', delimiter='\t')
boys_lhfa = pylab.csv2rec('lhfa_boys_p_exp.txt', delimiter='\t')
boys_wfa = pylab.csv2rec('wfa_boys_p_exp.txt', delimiter='\t')

# Load girls data
girls_bfa = pylab.csv2rec('bfa_girls_p_exp.txt', delimiter='\t')
girls_lhfa = pylab.csv2rec('lhfa_girls_p_exp.txt', delimiter='\t')
girls_wfa = pylab.csv2rec('wfa_girls_p_exp.txt', delimiter='\t')

f = pylab.figure()

# Boys

# Get boys color list
cl = getColor('PuBu', 3)

# Plot body mass index boy data
ax1 = pylab.subplot(321)

pylab.fill_between(, boys_bfa.p3, 0, color= cl(1), alpha=0.5)
pylab.plot(, boys_bfa.p3, color= cl(1))
pylab.plot(, boys_bfa.p15, color= cl(2))
pylab.plot(, boys_bfa.p50, color= cl(3))
pylab.plot(, boys_bfa.p85, color= cl(2))
pylab.plot(, boys_bfa.p97, color= cl(1))
pylab.fill_between(, boys_bfa.p97,
                   max(max(boys_bfa.p97), max(boys_bfa.p97))*1.2,
                   color= cl(1), alpha=0.5)

# Add percentage for BMI boy  data
pylab.text(max(, boys_bfa.p3[-1:], "3%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)
pylab.text(max(, boys_bfa.p15[-1:], "15%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)
pylab.text(max(, boys_bfa.p50[-1:], "50%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)
pylab.text(max(, boys_bfa.p85[-1:], "85%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)
pylab.text(max(, boys_bfa.p97[-1:], "97%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)

pylab.xlim(0, max(
pylab.ylim(min(min(girls_bfa.p3), min(boys_bfa.p3))*0.8,
           max(max(boys_bfa.p97), max(boys_bfa.p97))*1.2)
#~ pylab.xlabel(u"Days")
pylab.ylabel(u"BMI (kg/m²)")

# Plot lenght heigh boy data
ax3 = pylab.subplot(323)

pylab.fill_between(, boys_lhfa.p3, 0, color= cl(1), alpha=0.5)
pylab.plot(, boys_lhfa.p3, color= cl(1))
pylab.plot(, boys_lhfa.p15, color= cl(2))
pylab.plot(, boys_lhfa.p50, color= cl(3))
pylab.plot(, boys_lhfa.p85, color= cl(2))
pylab.plot(, boys_lhfa.p97, color= cl(1))
pylab.fill_between(, boys_lhfa.p97,
                   max(max(girls_lhfa.p97), max(boys_lhfa.p97))*1.2,
                   color= cl(1), alpha=0.5)

# Add percentage for lenght / height boy  data
pylab.text(max(, boys_lhfa.p3[-1:], "3%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)
pylab.text(max(, boys_lhfa.p15[-1:], "15%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)
pylab.text(max(, boys_lhfa.p50[-1:], "50%", size=10,
          ha="right", va="center",
          bbox = percent_box)
pylab.text(max(, boys_lhfa.p85[-1:], "85%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)
pylab.text(max(, boys_lhfa.p97[-1:], "97%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)

pylab.xlim(0, max(
pylab.ylim(min(min(girls_lhfa.p3), min(boys_lhfa.p3))*0.8,
               max(max(girls_lhfa.p97), max(boys_lhfa.p97))*1.2)
#~ pylab.xlabel(u"Days")
pylab.ylabel(u"Height (cm)")

# Plot weight boy data
ax5 = pylab.subplot(325)

pylab.fill_between(, boys_wfa.p3, 0, color= cl(1), alpha=0.5)
pylab.plot(, boys_wfa.p3, color= cl(1))
pylab.plot(, boys_wfa.p15, color= cl(2))
pylab.plot(, boys_wfa.p50, color= cl(3))
pylab.plot(, boys_wfa.p85, color= cl(2))
pylab.plot(, boys_wfa.p97, color= cl(1))
pylab.fill_between(, boys_wfa.p97,
                   max(max(girls_wfa.p97), max(girls_wfa.p97))*1.2,
                   color= cl(1), alpha=0.5)

# Add percentage for weight boy data
pylab.text(max(, boys_wfa.p3[-1:], "3%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)
pylab.text(max(, boys_wfa.p15[-1:], "15%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)
pylab.text(max(, boys_wfa.p50[-1:], "50%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)

pylab.text(max(, boys_wfa.p85[-1:], "85%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)
pylab.text(max(, boys_wfa.p97[-1:], "97%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)

pylab.xlim(0, max(
pylab.ylim(min(min(girls_wfa.p3), min(boys_wfa.p3))*0.8,
           max(max(girls_wfa.p97), max(girls_wfa.p97))*1.2)
pylab.ylabel(u"Weight (kg)")

# Girls

# Get a girly color list
cl = getColor('PuRd', 3)

# Plot body mass index girl data
ax2 = pylab.subplot(322)

pylab.fill_between(, girls_bfa.p3, 0, color= cl(1), alpha=0.5)
pylab.plot(, girls_bfa.p3, color= cl(1))
pylab.plot(, girls_bfa.p15, color= cl(2))
pylab.plot(, girls_bfa.p50, color= cl(3))
pylab.plot(, girls_bfa.p85, color= cl(2))
pylab.plot(, girls_bfa.p97, color= cl(1))
pylab.fill_between(, girls_bfa.p97,
                   max(max(girls_bfa.p97), max(boys_bfa.p97))*1.2,
                   color= cl(1), alpha=0.5)

# Add percentage for BMI girl data
pylab.text(max(, girls_bfa.p3[-1:], "3%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)
pylab.text(max(, girls_bfa.p15[-1:], "15%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)
pylab.text(max(, girls_bfa.p50[-1:], "50%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)
pylab.text(max(, girls_bfa.p85[-1:], "85%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)
pylab.text(max(, girls_bfa.p97[-1:], "97%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)

pylab.xlim(0, max(
pylab.ylim(min(min(girls_bfa.p3), min(boys_bfa.p3))*0.8,
           max(max(girls_bfa.p97), max(boys_bfa.p97))*1.2)
# No label
#~ pylab.xlabel(u"Days")
#~ pylab.ylabel(u"Body mass index (kg/m²)")

# Plot lenght heigh girl data
ax4 = pylab.subplot(324)

pylab.fill_between(, girls_lhfa.p3, 0, color= cl(1), alpha=0.5)
pylab.plot(, girls_lhfa.p3, color= cl(1))
pylab.plot(, girls_lhfa.p15, color= cl(2))
pylab.plot(, girls_lhfa.p50, color= cl(3))
pylab.plot(, girls_lhfa.p85, color= cl(2))
pylab.plot(, girls_lhfa.p97, color= cl(1))
pylab.fill_between(, girls_lhfa.p97,
                   max(max(girls_lhfa.p97), max(boys_lhfa.p97))*1.2,
                   color= cl(1), alpha=0.5)

# Add percentage for lenght / height girl data
pylab.text(max(, girls_lhfa.p3[-1:], "3%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)
pylab.text(max(, girls_lhfa.p15[-1:], "15%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)
pylab.text(max(, girls_lhfa.p50[-1:], "50%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)
pylab.text(max(, girls_lhfa.p85[-1:], "85%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)
pylab.text(max(, girls_lhfa.p97[-1:], "97%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)

pylab.xlim(0, max(
pylab.ylim(min(min(girls_lhfa.p3), min(boys_lhfa.p3))*0.8,
           max(max(girls_lhfa.p97), max(boys_lhfa.p97))*1.2)
# No label
#~ pylab.xlabel(u"Days")
#~ pylab.ylabel(u"Length/height (cm)")

# Plot weight girl data
ax6 = pylab.subplot(326)

pylab.fill_between(, girls_wfa.p3, 0, color= cl(1), alpha=0.5)
pylab.plot(, girls_wfa.p3, color= cl(1))
pylab.plot(, girls_wfa.p15, color= cl(2))
pylab.plot(, girls_wfa.p50, color= cl(3))
pylab.plot(, girls_wfa.p85, color= cl(2))
pylab.plot(, girls_wfa.p97, color= cl(1))
pylab.fill_between(, girls_wfa.p97,
                   max(max(girls_wfa.p97), max(boys_wfa.p97))*1.2,
                   color= cl(1), alpha=0.5)

# Add percentage for weight girl data
pylab.text(max(, girls_wfa.p3[-1:], "3%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)
pylab.text(max(, girls_wfa.p15[-1:], "15%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)
pylab.text(max(, girls_wfa.p50[-1:], "50%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)
pylab.text(max(, girls_wfa.p85[-1:], "85%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)
pylab.text(max(, girls_wfa.p97[-1:], "97%", size=10,
           ha="right", va="center",
           bbox = percent_box)

pylab.xlim(0, max(
pylab.ylim(min(min(girls_wfa.p3), min(boys_wfa.p3))*0.8,
           max(max(girls_wfa.p97), max(boys_wfa.p97))*1.2)
# No label
#~ pylab.ylabel(u"Weight (kg)")

pylab.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.001, wspace=0.001)

# Personalise graph

# Main title
pylab.figtext(0.5, 0.960, 'Standard Grow Curves',
              ha='center', color='black', weight='bold', size='large')

# Hide non wished tick labels
xticklabels = (ax1.get_xticklabels() + ax2.get_xticklabels()
             + ax3.get_xticklabels() + ax4.get_xticklabels())
pylab.setp(xticklabels, visible=False)
yticklabels = (ax2.get_yticklabels()
             + ax4.get_yticklabels()
             + ax6.get_yticklabels())
pylab.setp(yticklabels, visible=False)

# Finally display graph

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